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What makes a great HOME PAGE?

Visitors approach all websites with certain expectations. If you wish to make a good impression,...
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The Perfect Website  
What's the key to building a World-Class MOAA Chapter?


Commitment to change.  Willing to try new ideas. Appreciation for different methods.

These are some of the things you would find common to MOAA Chapters bucking the trend in declining memberships.

But there's something else they have in common:  Great Websites.

There are a few MOAA Chapters that have come to recognize that a well-designed website, coupled with regular emarketing, contribute to a powerful online presence that attracts, excites, and motivates members...and potential members.

Take a peek at the websites for Pikes Peak and Charleston.  Their Board demonstrated an appreciation for the basics, like clear and concise content, engaging graphics, focus on visitors, and high interactivity.

Sadly, some MOAA Chapters just don't get it.  Typically, their websites are generic, out of date, and something less than visually stimulating.

But now you have the power to change all that. 

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